Sunday, July 26, 2009

Tattooing New Tips: How to Pick Your First Tattoo

Feel a Different Atmosphere First Tattooing

Its Not Just about Tattooing

Someone is Tattooed for The First Time

Tattooing New Tips:

How to Pick Your First Tattoo

by: Thomas Thompson

The hardest part about getting a tattoo is looking through the vast amounts of different tattoo plans to pick the one you think is for you.

The first query you need to ask yourself is why you need to get a tattoo. If you're getting a tattoo because you're elderly , I encourage you to hold off until your research on the different tattoo plans.

I say this to you because i have lots of friends who got a tattoo as soon as they turned 18 (the legal age of consent in my country). All of them have regretted the decision because they ended up with low quality tattoos. a number of them have even had their elderly tattoo plans covered up by newer tattoos.

Your first tattoo should be one that you will still enjoy for the rest of your life. It should be an expression of yourself plus your life experiences. Your tattoo can also be symbolic of something or anyone that is important in your life.

Now after you have sat down plus can say with 110% certainty that you're ready to get a tattoo, its time to do some research. First you need to find an image that you like. It can be a tattoo design that you like the look of or it can even be an image of something of great importance to you. Some great places to look for inspiration of your next tattoo are image sites such as, tattoo galleries, online tattoo design sites (both free plus paid), plus books on tattoos.

Some examples of different types of popular tattoo plans are:

* Tribal Tattoos
* Angel Tattoos
* Celtic Tattoos
* Animal Tattoos
* elderly English Tattoos
* Japanese Tattoos

These are a few examples.

After you decide on which tattoo design you're going to get, you now have to consider the colors you need to use. For a general rule of thumb, the darker your skin the more difficult it will be to put lighter colors such as yellow to stick.

The best thing to do is to go to a tattoo shop plus ask for their advice, since they have experience tattooing lots of different types of skin tones.

two times you have done this you're now ready to find you artist. Don't be lazy in researching the person who is going to tattoo you. The quality of work varies from artist to artist, so you it's in your best interest to find anyone who is going to put a high quality tattoo on you.


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